I started dating my other half in 2013. He had a German Shepherd that was quite old and he was very very attached to the dog very spiritually connected. In 2016 two days after Christmas I was at home and he didn’t feel very good my and had called and said he would not be home for a little while. Just then the dog fell over legs went in the air he expelled everything out of his body mouth and back end and I freaked out. I went over to the dog as I was holding my phone to call him to tell him to get home as I touched the dog he came back to life. I told my fiance what happened and he said that he would be home the dog was weavy all over the place couldn’t sit up very well kept falling down and his son showed up. The dog park tap a little bit but still was a little off and when the fiance came home the dog lit up and try to stand up. We called vet’s office so he could take him to the vet to see what was going on. I knew that the dog was suffering and would not make it through the night. When we got to the vet the vet looked at the dog examine the dog and said that she didn’t know how the dog was actually standing and walking around. When the bat tried to give him shot we had decided to end his suffering because she said that he was suffering he started getting mean and he started walking off and I heard in my head words saying” I don’t know why they just can’t let me do it my way” my fiance took him for a walk the dog calm down he came in very mad the dog was. Everyone was crying and the vet said that he would not make it through the night especially after when it happened and he shouldn’t have been alive at that moment we did do the right thing and put him to sleep to end suffering. We felt him for months running around my fiance’s side if the bed and getting on the bed.  A year later I got a new puppy and he would come to keep it company. He still comes to comfort my fiance. I do believe that with their tight spiritual bond that some day he will come back to him. I so believe also my new puppy is a dog I had briefly as a child. I still am in awé of how I brought him back to life and gave his family some time they needed. He wanted to stay with his best friend master all he could.  Then go when they were not there. I feel that’s why when the family came home he was doing actions and in-between the spirit world and ours.
