Jamie Butler

Jamie Butler is a world renown psychic medium and author of With Love and Light: a True Story About an Uncommon Gift and the featured medium in My Son and the Afterlife and My Life after Death. She is the founder of The Center for Love and Light and The Lighter Side Network in Atlanta, Georgia, both created to help, hold, share and illuminate the wonderful subtle light experiences of life. Jamie is madly in love with all kinds of animals and an advocate for the preservation of all life. Her house is a known place to go in the neighborhood if your pet escapes. She lives with her four kitties, Tiggar, Panda, Aloha and Umi, one fish (Snowy), husband Rui, and two kids, Luca and Malu.

Jamie’s Animal Companions

Present & Past



“Umi is a Lynx Point Siamese cat. He is a Scorpion sign and loves to kiss, snuggle and ask to be held. He is known for attacking your feet under the blankets and tripping you up if you have food. Umi goes to work with Jamie and as far as we know, he is not a spirit communicator but he does go towards people who are in need of attention and love. Umi is definitely a healer.”  



Bunny was a domestic short hair kitten found in the middle of a six-lane highway at six weeks old with a broken arm. Bunny required a lot of TLC to survive this trauma as well as the removal of her broken arm. Three legs did not stop her, she hopped everywhere. everyone and greeted them with full meows. She would stare at spirit in the room and chase things unseen. Bunny and Jamie’s spirit guide Maitland had a close bond. Bunny did not like Reiki, and soon we found out why. Bunny passed at five years of age with stomach cancer. We miss her brightness and joy.” 

Copyright © 2019 by Jamie Butler & Brian Mercer