Sharing the story of Leela. First Hi from Germany where I live and work as a healer and medium. Leela was my first remote healing client. She  lived in Thailand with her rescuer who worked for Temple Dogs a rescue operation that looks after stray dogs who take up residence with monks at various temples. The buddhist belief is that dogs are re incarnated monks who return to live again with old friends. Any way here is the feedback I received from Leela’s caregiver after a series of remote healing sessions for Leela, Nam Tan and Daeng.

…”I know that Leela’s rapid healing has much to do with  Marianne Steele’s compassionate quest to aid Leela through “Reconnective Healing”. This is such a positive, good-will, empathetic all encompassing energy frequency to transmit the universal healing intelligence to the one in need – be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or on any other level.
…very good news…NamTAn no longer chases chickens and has settled in to her new temple home and there were no incidents with her while I was away. I am sure it had to do with your calming healing energy!  Also, Daeng’s blood results came back yesterday and they have all returned to normal…

Joy Huss, Hand to Paw, A Temple Dog Outreach Program, Mae Rim,  Thailand

And Here’s the rest of the story; Maybe a year later I was at home in Germany settling down for an afternoon nap when a big white dog bounded into my conscious awareness and she was so happy and at the same time very determined for me to relate to her caregiver how much she appreciated her help. Then I realised that Leela had crossed over and was asking me to pass on the message. So I did. Leela was my first animal channeling and I’m still thrilled by it. I hope you enjoyed this sharing of our story. Perhaps Leela will chime in sometime from the other side and tell us about what she’s been up to since then.
