One thing I do believe at least one of my pets have re-incarnated several times in my lifetime so far. usually as a dog but I think he’s my current cat Jinx. when I was at a very turbulent point at my life 2 yrs ago, my daughter and i found him at a humane center. when I walked in he was sleeping. he awoke and we made eye contact. I was immediately that’s him. he stretched and was like, finally, you’re here, let’s go.

we had a miniature poodle. we had just came home from seeing the Olympia brewery. I got you name him so I chose his name “Oly” I was 6. my stepdad came into our life about that time. at one point a door to door salesman came with a mobile photo booth. I somehow got mom to agree to getting a picture of me and oly. a little after that he had gotten out and ended up getting hit by a car. my dad found him and brought back his collar. the bell had been crushed. I ended up with this photo frame that was wood, and had cutouts with mirrors, and a wooden shelf under it. I made a little cluster of old ceramic mice, and his collar on the shelf. I always had this above my bed. everytime we moved, right up until we moved to the last time (the house my parents still own and live in to this day) I would wake up hearing the bell on his collar. it was always comforting to me, letting me know he was still with me. the final move to the current house, I again awoke to the bell ringing in the ceiling corner in our living room. I had the feeling he was leaving. that I would not hear it again. that I was going to be ok. the next morning I checked the shelf as I always did after hearing his bell. this time his collar was gone. just in case I checked everywhere. I knew I wouldn’t find it.  and remember, the bell was crushed it could not ring or jingle. 

Oly was my little buddy.
