Athena-my cat.  Transitioned at 12 1/2 years

First of all, I wanted to thank you for your time to read my pet story.  I watched the FB live today and saw the pics of your cat that transitioned. How amazing is that!

And sorry for the lengthy story.  Below is what I noted back in 2015 when my girl kitty, Athena transitioned.  Since then her brother Orion transition in Jan of 2019.  I actually have a story to tell about him but I will send in a separate email.

The backstory- the night Athena transitioned on 6/29/15, I had no warning.  I had awoken around 2am to hear a loud cry.  It was Athena under the bed (she normally slept next to my pillow).  She couldn’t move and I can tell she was in pain.  I grabbed her and her legs were limp.  In a panic I called an emergency vet that was open 24hrs and was told it didn’t look good and to bring in her in right away.  During the drive I prayed for someone to grab her on the other side.  I prayed to everyone I can think of.  I was so upset.  I knew my time with her was ending, and wanted to make sure her transition was as easy as possible.  The vet said she threw a clot and there was nothing they could do.  Within 2 hrs of hearing her cry, she was gone.

My dream:  (3-4 days after death)
After Athena passed, I asked her to give me a sign that she was ok.  A few days later I dreamed that I was in my bed and I rolled over on my left side (she normally slept to my right near my pillow), and saw her lying next to me.  I had rubbed my eyes to make sure it was her.  I said to her “there you are, are you OK?”, she responded telepathically in my voice but with a childlike, perky personality, “yeah”.  I said “What took you so long?” (meaning to respond, since I have been asking for a sign for 3 days) and she said “I’ve been here” and I said “Who grabbed you?” (meaning who grabbed her on the other side) and she said “Johnson” and I said “Who?” and she said “Dr. Johnson”. I then gave her a hug.  I noticed her brother kitty, Orion, was at the end of bed watching us and I asked him, “aren’t you going to say anything to your sister”.  He didn’t say anything.  He just stared at her.  I woke up.  The dream was very short, but very intense and so real.  I had a big smile on my face and wrote the dream down so I wouldn’t forget.  I still don’t know who Dr. Johnson is.

Since the dream, I have seen her 3x in my house. (over a 9 month period I think-all in 2015/2016)
·         The first time I was loading the dishwasher and in the corner of my eye I saw a cat walking in the hall towards the dining area.  When I turned my head all the way around, there was nothing there.
·         One night, while in laying down in bed, I saw the end of the tail running alongside of the bed.  I tapped on the mattress to tell my boy kitty to jump up on the bed, and nothing happened.  I looked over at the side of the bed and nothing was there.  I called my boy cat, Orion, and he came in from the other room.  At that moment, I realized the tail was thin.  Athena was a short haired cat whose tail was thin and my boy cat, Orion had a fluffy tail.
·         The last time was the night before I was going to have a reading with the Animal communicator.  Again, in the corner of eye I saw a cat (thinking it was my boy) coming around the corner to join me on the couch.  I even said something to him.  I looked to the left and nothing was there.  It caught me off guard so I immediately jumped and gasped as if I just saw a ghost.  I wasn’t scared.  I was just startled.  I wondered if she was paying a visit knowing I was getting a reading the next day.

Animal Communicator reading:   (approx. 9 months after her death)
I gave a picture of Athena to the animal communicator.  She said she is showing me the infinity sign.  She said she has been with me before and will always be with me and that she loves me very much.  She mentioned that I have seen her in the corner of my eyes, and she has come to me in my dreams.  She said she has shown herself to me but does not want to frighten me.  She asked me if I cremated her, and I said yes.  She said she doesn’t understand why I did that, because she is with me.   The biggest and cutest confirmation I received was when she said, “I am not sure why she is showing me this but will tell you anyways. She is licking a stick of butter”  I started laughing and she asked me if that meant anything.  I told her OMG yes!.  Athena only liked a few human food items, and I had to hand feed her in order for her to eat it.  However, when it came to butter, especially when I added butter to toasted bread, she would climb on the table and lick the butter off my toast.  That was the only human food I had to be careful of around her.  Sometimes she would come out of nowhere and just watch me eat it.  We both laughed, because she was letting us know how much she loved butter.

One year anniversary of her death: (6/29/16)
I subscribed to a daily email called “I heart cats”.  It is a site you can buy things and a portion goes to feeding animals.  A few days prior to the anniversary of her death, I had been sending my love and asked her to let me know how she is doing.  I was thinking she would pop up in my dreams.  It didn’t happen so waking up the morning of I was a little disappointed but I knew deep down she is fine.  I grabbed my phone to check my emails and opened the email from “I heart cats”.  It was a “I will meet you at rainbow bridge” bracelet.  It was actually sent the previous evening but I opened it the morning of her death.  It immediately put a smile on my face.  Signs are everywhere.  I am so glad I pay attention.

It took a long time for me to heal.  I didn’t get another playmate for Orion until 2 years later and it was not by choice but by circumstance. However, I know Athena or the Universe orchestrated the kittens arrival because they were born on Athena’s anniversary date of her death.  Now I celebrate their life and not focus so much on Athena’s death.  What are the odds? 

I have pics to share as well but don’t see how I can attach.  Let me know if you are interested in seeing them.

I wasn’t sure how you would share my story on  your site, so did not choose that option but am open to it if needed.
