Thumper was my first kitten. I got her when I was  about 9 or 10 years old. I named her after the bunny in the movie Bambi because she would hop around when she went into the grass. Thumper was very loving and vocal. She could never sit still when you would pet her. 

I adopted Flower when she was a kitten at age 14. I named her after the shy skunk in Bambi which suited her personality well. Flower and I had an intense bond. I was the only person she trusted. We knew each other’s needs so well. Flower came along with me on my move to adult life while Thumper stayed with my mom. 

Thumper died at the old age of 16. Flower died about 4 years later at the ripe age of 17. To this day, I know in my heart that flea medicine poisoned Flower. Within two weeks of taking the medicine she was blind, and her health quickly declined. She only survived 2 months after being given a new medicine. She was so healthy, and I believe she could have lived a few more years. 

The night Flower died, I wish I would have known it was her last night. I woke up in the middle of the night with her snuggled under my arms wrapped around her. This is not something she would ever do. Her nighttime spot was normally on my pillow. I snuggled her and pet her, then drifted back to sleep. I woke in the morning and went to work. Shortly after I arrived, my spouse called to tell me he found Flower under the bed, passed on. I asked my spouse to leave her there so that I can care for her. I rushed home and picked her up and onto the bed with me. I laid my head onto her body, cried, and pet her for the last time. 

Out of no where, I heard purring! I looked around, looked at her clearly still lifeless. Yet the purring persisted. For about 5 minutes, I pet her, and laid with her purring just outside my ear. This was her way of saying goodbye in spirit. 

After Flowers death, I had planned on relocating to another state. I decided to wait until we moved to get another cat. I waited 1 & 1/2 long years. It was the first time in my life I did not have a pet and it was not fun. Not only did I miss Flower, but I missed cuddling with an animal. I told myself that the day I move to Florida, I would go straight to the shelter to find a cat. 

The night before the big move I had a dream about a cat. This cat showed up at my back door, and was very friendly. She had stitches on the back of her neck. I woke up and began the move to Florida. The next day, you better believe I was at the shelter looking at cats. I walked in and told the woman that I wanted an older cat, and also maybe a kitten as well. She said “I know just the cat to show you.” She led me to the back of the shelter, and brought me to meet Paige. She had stitches on the back of her neck. I started to cry and said “That’s my cat!” 

I then went to the kitten room and picked out a fluffy kitten. He was very sweet and seemed scared which reminded me of Flower when I first adopted her. I went to the desk to complete the adoptions and discovered that Paige was already paid for in a ‘pay if forward’ donation from a guest a few days ago. She was free! Then I discovered that the cats were on sale because they had so many strays found following a big rain season. I walked out of the shelter with 2 cats and paid only $6. 

Paige and Clover are now 3 and 8 years old. I 100% believe that they are Thumper and Flower reincarnated. Paige is very loving and vocal. She also can’t sit still when being pet just like Thumper. Clover and I have the same exact bond that Flower and I had. We just know what we need from each other, so intense. Clover also refuses to let me pet his tummy just as Flower did. Sometimes when I see Clover, I accidentally call him Flower. He just has the same essence.

–Jenny Hernandez