My English as a Finn is not that good especially when it comes to writing so I give you permission to edit my writing. If you wish to get more information about my experience I’m happy to tell you more later.

My cat Mudisson left me a month ago, January 15th. He was a Snowshoe. We had a very close relationship. I used to call him my son because our connection was on that level, father son relationship. During our almost 12 years together, we moved several times, traveled together back and forth between Finland and Spain. In October we moved to Spain to stay. He was loosing weight and intuitively I knew he was going to leave me soon, but didn’t want to give those insights any thought or attention because emotionally I always was thinking he would be very old. Our days were formed by our routines or, better said, I was forming my days so that the routines he was used to would be respected, after all, moving is always stressful for anybody. I had separated from my longterm partner in July so we had all the time together, my cat and I. Because he wasn’t eating well, I decided to go to the veterinarian. Well, Mudisson was too thin and that week we went every second day to the vet, but finally I had to make the hard decision to let him go. 

During his last week he was the brave and intelligent cat he always was, reminding me about our routines. As an intuitive, I knew during the week he was leaving me soon and it was of course very painful, so I tried to tell myself I was wrong. But halfway in the last week, when we were in the middle of our morning routine, when I was meditating with him next to me, to my left as we used to do, something special occurred. I was sitting with my eyes closed and noticed a cloud next to me to the left at the level of my head and shoulders. I knew it was my cat even if he was laying on the floor. The cloud didn’t disappear and I was able to calculate its size. It was 10 times bigger than my cat. The cloud felt like my cat when we were together connected by our deep love for each other. The cloud told me that I didn’t need to worry and that everything goes as it should. The cloud was so wise and I knew that it was the soul of Mudisson. 

When the day of euthanasia came, it came as a surprise to me. We didn’t go to the vet for that reason but for getting an injection with vitamins, painkillers, etc. But I got the information that he probably had a brain tumor, the neurological symptoms was now obvious and he was very tired. 

Already the first night when I fell asleep, I heard my cat eating, he was very loud eater. I woke up just to remember that he wasn’t with me anymore. Soon I realized he wanted to let me know that he was okay know, after not been eating in several days he was eating again. 

Next day I was hoovering the stairs, where the stairs turned my cat used to take a cool shortcut, just when I reached that spot the hoover lowered significantly its power. I checked the hoover to make sure the regulator of the suction had been turned by touching the switch and just when I knelt down I realized that nothing had touched the hoover. It got up to its normal speed again. I felt the presence of my cat and got so surprised that he was able to manipulate electricity just as humans after the cross over. 
Another night I heard him meowing during my sleep, so that I woke up but not feeling sad, more like he was with me.

A couple of days after his passing I went out bicycling, just to get out of the house and get some distance from my grief. When I reached a more stable and neutral state of mind, I could sense this cloud forming again to my left side, the experience I have had when he still was with me. For the rest of that day the cloud was there next to me, the aching in my heart was gone because I felt him there to my left, I could communicate with him jus as I have done with humans that has crossed over. Later, I was wondering why this cloud always appeared to my left side and realized that he had always slept on my left side. 

One night he sent me a dream to show me how to cope with another difficult situation I was experiencing, just as any spirit guide would send us dreams.

What I came to realize is that a cat can be as powerful as any human that has passed over. Animals can do the same tricks and just as you mentioned in your videos they have a soul contract with us and are as important to us as any soul connection we have with other humans. Not all pets have the same level of importance and connection but those who have are very evolved souls doing a beautiful job down here on earth.

I feel proud and blessed for having had almost 12 years with this wonderful soul that came to live with me as my dear cat. 

You are doing a beautiful and important job, something that is very needed right now, a time when humankind is waking up to realize that animals are just as evolved as we are.


–Kim Svennblad