I just wanted to share my story about pet reincarnation. Thank you for all of the advice because it worked for my family and I. 

On Oct 19, 2020 we lost my Yorkie of almost 16 years. We knew her health was declining and I also know we’ve shared many lifetimes before. My sister can actually communicate with animals, feel how they feel and hear their voices. My husband can sense auras. She was my whole world.

The night before she had to be put to sleep, I dreamt of her looking at me and then me getting pregnant (I think it symbolized rebirth not me actually getting pregnant). We all mourned the loss and the pain was so incredibly hard. If it wasn’t for our belief and intentions that she’ll make her way back to us then I honestly don’t know if I could have made it during the months she was gone. She told my sister to look for a pink flower as a sign she would be back.

The day we said our goodbyes, I saw a V line of birds flying above us and the rest was just a blur. My sister dreamt of her nightly for months coming back into her body and back into our house. I prayed daily she would come back healthier and sturdier than ever (bigger too since she was so tiny before).

When Jan 1, 2021 came around, I felt it was time to start looking for her. We found a few but it didn’t work out for some reason or another. For example, one was a green aura and my last pup was a fiery red aura (which represents vitality), the look in the puppies eyes would tell me if it was her. Another puppy was sold on our way to meet her. I thought could it be we didn’t act fast enough? Then I told myself I knew she would come to us the way it was meant to happen so I need to relax and let her come to us.

One day I looked outside and saw the most birds I’ve ever seen fly in a V line across the sky. At least 10 different groups. Then we stopped by my dad’s house and there was pink flower at the door. It was something new my step mom bought. I just knew then and there she was coming soon. Then my sister sent me a puppy she found online that was born on October 18, 2020 and she said she wasn’t sure how she felt about the date (since our dog passed away October 19, 2020) but I told her about what was written here. Time works differently. I zoomed in into the puppy’s eyes and I instantly felt all my tears come out of me and didn’t know why until I realized she was the one. She had to be. The breeder said she’s ours if we pay a deposit but I needed to be sure and knew if she’s meant to be she wouldn’t get sold before we met her.

We went to meet her 2 days later. The night before we met her, my sister dreamt of our first dog flying into the light with angel wings and said “bye!” She wasn’t able to communicate with her the next morning and during the 2.5 hour drive to meet the new puppies (2 female puppies left). When we arrived, we saw a pot of pink flowers growing at the breeders house. We met the two puppies and I couldn’t choose. Both were so cute but one clung onto me. When my sister took her turn to hold both, she said one of their energies was pulling away from her and the other was pulling towards her and then she heard her name and “it’s me!” from the pup with our dog’s voice! My husband said the puppy’s energy was bright red (in case you don’t know know about auras, bright fiery red is rare)! The sister’s energy was more of a yellow. We knew she came back to us!!

I felt so calm and at peace on the way home. It was as if she never left us and just went on a long vacation. She had her favorite igloo bed and when she got home she ran to it like she always did. We used to have doggy steps for our couch and bed since our first dog needed help jumping up during her older age. We moved the steps when she passed and didn’t think to put it back. The puppy jumped onto where the stairs used to be to try and get up on the couch and fell. It was like a giant leap onto invisible stairs and then a confused look. She then ran to her bed in our room and dug her nose into the crack of the bed as if she was looking for something and my husband said “her bone used to be there!” (We tossed it already).

It’s just been amazing and wanted to share with you as crazy as it sounds. She sleeps exactly the same (next to my left hip) and even has a similar very loud bark. Of course she’s not 100% the same especially with her puppy hyperness, but she shared with my sister she’s a mixture of a lot of traits from her past lifes. 🙂 She’s now 4 months (we got her at 3 months) and I can’t imagine life before her now. She’s also definitely bigger and more sturdier so she picked a great body (Yorkie mix). Thanks for reading my long story if you got to the end! I hope other readers feel more hope like I did after reading your article.

–Kat C