This site is a love story.

Our animal companions are a part of our human families.  For many who choose not to raise kids, pets have grown to become surrogate children, souls that can be nurtured and which in turn provide companionship and unconditional love.  Yet unlike children, who will–by the grace of the natural order–outlive us, our animal companions are typically only with us a short while.

What happens to Fluffy and Fido after they leave us?  Although there are a great many beliefs about what happens to humans after we die, there are very little about animals. Many pet owners are forced to suffer quietly when their animals pass on, as it is typically less socially acceptable to mourn an animal the way one mourns family and friends.  Yet, ironically, because pets are so dependent on us, spend so much time with us, see us at our most vulnerable, we are often emotionally closer to our animals than we are to most humans.

Animals in the Light was created to answer the questions that remain after the loss of an animal companion.  Our answers come from celebrated psychic medium Jamie Butler and her more than twenty-five years experience as a spirit communicator, from personal experience, and from visitors to our site eager to share their stories.  

What is it like for our animals when they cross over? What is the afterlife like for them?  Do they visit us after they pass?

Come along with us on our journey to discover the answers to these questions and more.