

One thing I do believe at least one of my pets have re-incarnated several times in my lifetime so far. usually as a dog but I think he’s my current cat Jinx. when I was at a very turbulent point at my life 2 yrs ago, my daughter and i found him at a humane...


Sharing the story of Leela. First Hi from Germany where I live and work as a healer and medium. Leela was my first remote healing client. She  lived in Thailand with her rescuer who worked for Temple Dogs a rescue operation that looks after stray dogs who take up...


A little over 4 years ago, our white fluffy sm/med size almost 19yo Doogie dog passed at the vet. We were so heartbroken, he was such a big part of our lives and our children’s lives as they grew up. After he passed, about a day later, we, my husband and I, both...
Living with a Reincarnated Animal

Living with a Reincarnated Animal

In my article called “Sometimes They Come Back,” I wrote an account of my old cat Lucy being reborn as my current cat, Emily.  In my next blog entry, I am going to relate, to the best of my understanding, how you can encourage having your animal’s spirit return to you...
Decisions That Haunt

Decisions That Haunt

Long ago, I came to the conclusion that we don’t really appreciate something until we realize that it’s going away. If you think about it, it makes sense. We live busy and distracted existences. If there is someone or something in our lives, especially if we see them...