My story has been evolving over the last few months. During that time I have been visited by a spirit cat, whom I feel is my Bud (RIP2014) but am not sure.

It all started in August 2019 at which time I was back in Australia looking after my sick mother. She is a cat person and recently acquired a very cute little kitten, after losing her cats. The day was cold and I had snuggled into bed for a siesta, blankets completely covering my head. When suddenly I felt a thud of a cat landing on my lower body, then felt the cat walk up my body to my face. I opened the covers to let the cat into the warmth… there was no cat on the bed, nor in the closed bedroom. I was spooked but not trusting it had even happened brushed it off.

Until a few days later it happened again. Only this time my body went as stiff as a board and I was a little frightened because I knew there was no cat in my room. I did not move and pretended I didn’t notice the weight of the cat on me. I felt it move all the way up to my covered face and crutch on my chest, his nose separated from mine only by the covers. Then I dramatically threw covers off, to nothing there. After that it happened a few more times but nothing as dramatic. Just fleeting pressure on the bed or flashes of movement but nothing concrete.

Until this week! I am back in USA and had forgotten completely about my spirit cat. Yesterday I was once again laying on my bed late afternoon dozing. I woke up to feeling a cat jump on the bed and walk towards me. I was curled up on my left side facing away from the movement, lol as is my habit, blankets over my head. I felt the cat walk along my back up towards my head. 

This time I said out loud in a gentle loving voice cat greetings… and I heard PURRING. I keep up the kitty love talk and I heard purring for at least a full minute. After purring stopped I gently opened covers to no kitty
I am hoping I can encourage this visitation. It doesn’t feel negative in anyway. It is very special.
