My sweet pug, Lola, died on January 1, 2019. She was 11-years-old, and had been enduring a growing list of health problems for the past 5 years. In her last year of life, she began to suffer progressively worse breathing problems due to a collapsing trachea and allergic asthma. She also began to let me know that she would soon be leaving her body. 

Needless to say, I didn’t want to lose her, and I ignored all of her signals that she was planning to go. But I knew in my heart that the time was coming no matter how many vet visits and medications we tried. She was tired. I knew it. But I kept hoping to find the magic cure that restored her vitality. 

Lola passed unexpectedly at an emergency pet hospital when her larynx paralyzed. The vets quickly intubated her, but she could never live a normal life again. So I was forced to make the decision that no pet parent wants to make. 

After that day, I spoke with 3 animal communicators, all of whom told me that Lola was planning to reincarnate. One of those psychics, Sonya Fitzpatrick, told me that a puppy I had recently selected in a litter was Lola. Essentially, Lola passed in January, and I brought her back home as a new puppy in May. And the puppy, named Lola Bean, shares an unusual number of the pug’s qualities. I know that I have my girl back. 🙂  And she’s just as sweet now as she was when she was a pug.
