My family and I have a story about our cat Steve. I feel him right now, as I write this.

Steve was an 8 yr old tabby that had markings like a lynx.  We still have his twin brother. 2ys ago in march, our stevie slipped out the front door and into the night.

I communicate with Spirit, and was told he would come home. We held that hope, yet I couldn’t help but feel that he was going to transition.  Stevie was gone from March until May. We searched high and low. A wind storm happened and it was a Friday night. I remember being inside when I heard my neighbor yelling for me to come. Steve was in their backyard.

Steve was a very big cat. Roughly 15lbs or so.  There he was lying on the ground thin. 4lbs to be exact. The wind had blown him in our direction. He was in bad shape, but the connection of being so happy to see each other was so intense. We took him to the vet, and armed with supplies, we all loved on him  and took him home. We were all able to say goodbye. Knowing he wasn’t going to make it.

It was a miracle we were able to spend those last hours together.
2 minutes before he passed. I got up to use the washroom. My husband sat cradling Stevie in his Arms. When I left the room, Stevie was concious and responsive.

I was washing my hands in the washroom, and Stevie’s spirit came to me
I felt him embrace me and tell me that he is free. I entered back to the room where my husband was holding him. His heart still beating, but his conciousness gone. Within moments. His heart stopped. We do have a new cat now. How she came about is a whole other story. Stevie was so special. My youngest child has Autism. Stevie was his emotional support. Playing with him and  following him everywhere, even to AND IN the bath/shower. To our Surprise. Our new kitty Sylvie…has Several of these same qualities…including the tub!! 2 months after Steve passed, I woke in my sleep feeling a jump on my pillow behind my head
Stevie always slept there. I felt the jump. The pressure on my pillow, as well as hearing the loud purring motor.

I reached behind me. Thinking one of our other cats jumped there
I felt in the dark with my hand…No kitty was there! I flicked the light on to see the other cats curled up on the end of the bed.

Undisturbed! I knew I had a visit from my kitty boy Stevie!!!
I have had experiences with pets throughout my life, but this one had so much meaning. It was such an amazing gift to have had Steve come home.
We learned alot as a family, and truly shown that these loving bonds we have created, truly never die!

Thank you for bringing light to these special relationships!

–💚Michelle Gray